Wednesday, August 13, 2008

cool beans

Well, the US won, so we got fried chicken on the Korean teacher's dime. All together a good omen for the day. In half an hour I will start my Jui Jitsu class. I'm the only one in class, so it should be good. I got registered kindof at the national health insurance office. We have to call back, and I have to fill out a few more forms. Then I will be covered.

My classes went very well today. Serious scholar laughed at my jokes ( we are reading a book called Tigers! and I asked if she wanted a tiger for a pet, she said no, the I asked about a lion, she could braid his mane, she smiled and said no, then I asked if she would like an elephant for a pet, she actually laughed) and Startled Turtle made some progress in writing and in reading. We are going to have to go slower than my boss wants me to, but that is ok. He promised to come in early on Monday and do some extra work. Then in my lowest level class, one of the boys said I am a good teacher. (actually he said "teacher, good!" and gave a thumbs up sign) but still it made me feel good.

I get Friday off, and I'm thinking of going into Seoul. On Saturday I made a date with Jin Ju, a friend from Deagu I met before. I can't wait.

Now I have to go back, and prepare a writing contest and speaking contest. (I've got to prep the students for both --it will be on October 2, and1/2 the students are so not even close to ready to do what the head teacher wants)
And so it goes

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