Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What's up. doc

Well, after an exciting weekend, and then talking on the phone to some family and friends, Monday rolled around and I felt a bit blue. The fact that it had started to rain (again) didn't help. By noon the rain had stopped and Fiona came by. She was supposed to show me how to get to the university that has the Korean classes, but she was running late. We just had some coffee, and then went to work.
The school is going well. My classes are really fun. First hour I have my Serious Scholar (who actually said three words to me!) and then I have The boys. They are the lowest level class, but they are so much fun. They always want to carry my books and erase my board. It is so cute. They are also quite the handful, and difficult to keep quiet for long, and the fact that I can't keep a straight face with them doesn't help matters. The next class is on break because the one student is on vacation. But the next class has my Chatty girls, and two boys. They are bright and clever, and they seem to like to study. At least they seem to like the class. The next class has only three students. They are a bit older, so are trying to be cool. My last class has two shy girls, two outgoing girls one keen boy and one lazy boy. It is my favorite so far, although I love my Serious scholar. After school, I take a small rest then go to my Jujitsu, although it isn't really Jujitsu, it is called taek kong mu sul. My legs are recovering.
Tuesday, Steve the New Yorker came by to exchange music with me. He burned some cds so now I have Billy Idol, Tori Amos and some jazz. I'm quite happy. School on Tuesday was a bit stressful. The head teacher is stressed so of course everyone else is too. Classes on Tuesday are a higher level, and most of the students are older. My first class is Reading and Speaking. There is only one student. She is 6 years old and she is bouncy. We are reading Curious George and Alexander and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Bouncy girl loves to say the title.
The next class I teach the same thing, but this student is a boy going into middle school. There is usually one other student, but she is on vacation now too. The boy likes to read, but doesn't like to do his homework. I call him Library boy. Then I have Bouncy girl again, for a different class. We are reading an American Social Studies book. By this time, keeping her in her seat is a major accomplishment. The next class has two middle school boys. Their English speaking isn't so great, but both of them write a bit better. One I call my Startled Turtle, the other is Beatles boy, because he has a haircut like the early Beatles and he has these shoes that have rainbow peace signs all over them. I am always late for Taek kong mu sul on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I don't finish until right at ten.
And that is my life right now. Tomorrow I have to go to E-mart because I'm almost out of coffee and that would be very bad indeed.
And so it goes.

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