Friday, August 29, 2008


So, it is Saturday afternoon. The sun is shining, birds are singing. It is a beautiful day. Where am I? You may well ask. I am at work. Waiting for one student to finish his 3rd try at the level test, and then I will give him an extra class. I tried to talk to Cindy about this, I want 2 of the slower boys to have a different class, one that uses the same materials, but that goes a bit slower than the regular class. I think that if you push them to finish the book, they don't really learn to use the material. Some people just need more time and more space to learn. Bah.
Anyway, I'm excited because tomorrow I will start Toastmasters, and after work Fiona is showing me where the Korean language school is, so I can sign up, and on Monday I'm thinking of starting a health class (mostly weight lifting) because after the health test my taek kong mu sul teacher gave last night, I realized that I am truly pathetic.
And so it goes

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