Sunday, July 27, 2008

A fairly non-boring day

I woke up and joy of joys, it wasn't raining. Yeah. However I was still tired, because at 1:30 in the morning someone outside the building was having quite the fight. I know this because even though my window was closed (because I really am not fond of hosting mosquitoes) I heard them. For one hour.

I finally did drag my butt out of bed, and got dressed. At 9:30 Steve the New Yorker came by, brought me a tourist/subway map of Seoul, and we set off in search of the swimming pool- rumored to be near Home-plus. (Home-plus is a big supermarket, department store like E-mart and Walmart). Cindy our head teacher had made a handy dandy map, but we didn't bring it. We set off, and the day was cool and pleasant. We saw lots of little shops and little restaurants, and had a pleasant walk. When we arrived at the junction we were supposed to turn left at, we actually turned right. This turned out to be quite fortunate, as the street had furniture, and shops, and other very cool stuff to look at.

When we realized that Home plus was not in the general vicinity, we crossed the street, and turned back. on the way we saw a sign for a tomb of some sort. Being in a generally adventurous spirit, we decided to detour. Up a narrow street and to the left, we found the tomb itself. The gate to the area had peeling green paint, and there was a large gap that we walked through, and walked up the grassy knoll to the tomb itself (which didn't have a gate or gap to climb through, just a fence) The tomb was quite small, with primitive statues keeping watch over the grassy mounds. Apparently the tombs were for some minor princes. Two children with bright green & blue butterfly nets ran around swinging them at non-existent insects, until their grandfather called them back and all three went to wherever they went to.

We went back to the junction and stopped at 7-11 to rest a bit, and I found a yogurt flavored soda, that tasted much better than it sounds. Two security guards were taking photos of a black car, and we wondered if it was a bullet hole - Steve the New Yorker was sure it was, until he got up and took a closer look. It was just a scratch. -- We then went on, and took a detour on another side street, found more cool shops (although quite a few were closed) and then found our ultimate destination, the swimming pool next to Home-plus. Steve the New Yorker was a bit disappointed that it was an indoor pool, but it doesn't bother me. (I'm thinking indoor pools are quite nice in bad weather, and with all the rain we had, bad weather was on my mind) We had an ice-cream at Baskin Robbins- the best ice-cream in the world if you want my opinion- and then took a bus back home.

Despite the sunshine - I felt tired and a bit head achy so I went on home and took a nap, then we went out for Korean bar-b-que, at a place near home. We couldn't quite figure out the menu, but the man made sure we got regular beef and pork, and not the stomach or intestines. So we were quite happy.
And so it goes.

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