Tuesday, July 15, 2008

So far Still good

I go to the hospital tomorrow to pick up my health report. When I get back, I will meet my Korean co-teacher and We are going to check out a JuJitsu place. We are thinking of taking a class together. I hope so, because she can translate for me. The Hapkido place in my apartment building is defunct or re-modeling. Every time I go downstairs to check it out it is closed.

I learned today that ironing a long skirt on my new ironing board is problematic at best. I kept re-wrinkling the thing. I will learn to be well pressed eventually. The iron itself is great however. I've also learned how to turn on my stove, and where to get the best milk in the neighborhood. Meanwhile, I've found a great little restaurant around the corner that has some of my favorite kimbap, and a spicy pork with rice dish that I'm still not sure of the name, but I'll figure it out eventually.

Classes went well, but I learned that there is some kind of computer glitch that doesn't let me check my students e-homework. So they get a pass with that until Saturday or Monday. I think they were happy. The school is growing. Every time I go into class I have a new student. At first it was a bit shocking, but I've learned to roll with it. The school has only been open for a week, and everyone is still new so we will all figure everything out eventually.

Oh and good news for me, I'm on a blog list! I'm not sure how to link back to it yet, but the list is The Korean Blog List. I am happy.
And so it goes.

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